1. You must understand your destiny.2. You must have a vision of your gift.3. Believe the ability to fulfill it .

4. You must live by the laws and protect that gift.

5.You must have a plan to work towards your gift. 6. You must have the right people around you. ( because there are some gift killers ,suffocates because they fail they also wants you to fail .7. Be careful With the people you have in your life .8.Persistence : You have to handle the pressure to go after your gift , because you live in a culture that does not want you to manifest your gift . The beautiful thing is when you manifest your gift they becomes your friend . Because they want to eat your gift. 9. You must persevere to pursue your gift. Because you will always have resistance , opposition, discouragement and failure 10. You must pray over your gift everyday. Pray to the one who gave it to you, to give you wisdom to manifest it. You pray for your purpose . Don’t pray for food , clothing, because God always provide that. You have to pray for your role in God’s Kingdom . ¶pray in this way Oh God show me how to do it , revive it, refine it, define it,for me keep it fresh oh lord ,let me see this purpose Amen .Fear freezes people .If you don’t do it you might not make it . They way you overcome fear is how your dream is. Nelson Mandela said ” There is no passion to be vowed plain small in the life that is less than a life that is capable of living . Because taking risk is not just about going for job ,is about knowing what you know , and knowing what you don’t know. Its about opening to people. The chances you take , the people you meet ,whom you love , faith that you have that is what is going to define you . Compliment your vision put it on paper .Submit yourself to the right environment . The places you go , The church you attend ,all relate to what you become , The book you read. The things you watch ,Feed yourself with the right materials . when you put fertilizer on a seed, that seed gets happy. What do you feed your life with. Give time to your gift. The pressure of your life test the reality of your gift. Whatever stops you is how strong you are , don’t be discourage. Your gift supposed to produce more seeds . You should be mentoring people to become greater than you .Don’t try to fulfill your gift without God. https://praisech.wordpress.com


THE MOST IMPORTANT GOAL IN YOUR LIFE SHOULD BE SELF MANIFESTATION. You will never change what you tolerate. How many times have you said , I need a change this year .Whatever you tolerate will never change. You will never become what you could be until you become angry with what you’re. Angry brings change. Whatever you don’t hate you will love.

What is your secret habit? What is your public habit? You design your future with that habit . Our habit design our future. The power of your habit can control your destiny. Your Gift will make room for you. Identify the things you do the best. You came to this earth because there is something hidden in you that the earth needed from you. God created nothing without a gift in it. Everything your parent tells you has to base on job. We do not go to school to find a gift. You will never find your gift in education, A gift can never be learned , it can only be refined , that is why you get your PHD and still be broke. Because education is not a gift. You can actually go to school and spend a lot of money in all kinds of university and you will Never refined your gift, because you took the wrong program. Even your career may not be your gift. It’s time to change your career into your calling. Education is not the most important thing in this world. Men without dream or vision shall perish. You dreams can inspire you to get education. Nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risk. II Corinthians 4:7 No matter what you go through the gift is still there. The Gift is the source of value to the greater things. Your value comes from your gift. If you never find your gift you will never be valuable to us. Your value determines what you makes in life. You get paid for the value you bring to the earth. Don’t pursue money . Whatever gift you value is the source of your wealth. When you give your gift freely it get exposed. You must save your gift. If you don’t take chances in life , you will never have the life God has for you. Life is about risk . It takes courage to pursue your dreams . God supplies what you need it cost you to have faith. Make decision based on your destiny. You know where you want to go. What are you going to do with what you Have? Evert fruit get seed in it because the fruit must maintain the future.

  1. praisebech.8@gmail.com

In a but shell. There is a blessing God has for us in each day . Always be a rainbow is someone’s cloud . Be determine never be dismay. Every mistake produces a lesson. Remember we are human . Try to forgive. Remember those who helped you when everyone left you. Appreciate what you have today’s. God richly bless you for reading this .

Published by PRAISEBECH

Am very intelligent.

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